
Sublimino is a short tempered and midget-sized villain with hypnotic powers. He makes his first appearance in the episode, Midnight Madness, as the mega-mall's show host. His first "trick" was hypnotizing Ben and two other people to do some tricks on the stage. During the act he almost causes Ben to display his alien forms to everyone in the shopping mall when he commands Ben, and the other hypnotized assistants, to imitate aliens.Max and Gwen manage to take Ben off the stage before this happens. Interested, he hypnotizes Ben again in order to steal a large set of machinery, including some metallic parts and the mall's giant clock. Later, he tries to control every person in the mall with a giant clock, but fails in his scheme, due to Wildvine's intervention, revealing that the villain is nothing without his mind control. Sublimino later as part of the villain group The Negative 10 to defeat the Tennysons, even controllingCooper and ordering him to attack them. He is also the most silent and the least complaining of the team. In the battle, he fights Ben as Eye Guy and tries to hypnotize him but is blasted away. Later, he is trapped in the force field. Whether he has escaped or not like many of the other members of the Negative 10 is unknown.


  • Sublimino is a reference to the word "Subliminal" which mean "going into the passage of mind when a person is unconsious" or "hypnotized".